Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Pleasingly Productive Sunday

My goodness. Today I, like many of my fellow actors spent from 8am to 4pm at YSP today.
And I didn’t go nearly as crazy as I thought I would! (though I was a little grumpy in the middle, sorry)

Here’s why:
-a breakfast meeting with 8 optimistic people, caffeinated beverages and scones
-commenting on several wonderful Shauvians
-an enthusiastic morning warm up enacting modes of transportation: kayak, ice-skate, pogo stick, bumblebee
-watching a very technically intense scene go from total chaos to nearly performance ready in 2 hours
-a person not connected with YSP (until now...) being very generous with his time and energy
-a refreshing...conversation...
-fun vocal exercises: that’s absurd!, sirens loud enough to be heard upstairs, Old McDonald had a farm and on that farm he had a sheep helicopter, zip zap zop (then slow mo!), crash light boom, and for the finale: an orchestra of siren noises
-seeing smiles still present at 4pm
-wonderful people who helped clean up after this long rehearsal! you’re my heroes!
-the privilege of going to sleep now